Research vacancies at Fiep System, Brazil.

The System Federation of Industries of State of Paraná (Fiep System) is implementing in Curitiba its Industry Campus, an innovation habitat composed by several innovative initiatives guided to the development of the industrial community. Among the new investments planned, there is the creation of 03 institutes: (i) Industrial Technological Convergence Institute; (ii) Sustainable Industrial Development Institute; and (iii)Institute of Reference in Education for Industry.

Over the next 02 to 03 years (2013 to 2015) they will be setting the conceptual and institutional structures of these initiatives. Thus, we are offering this opportunity so that young foreign doctors/researchers can be incorporated into research groups that are being formed.

You will find below the  English version of the offer as well as the resume template form to be filled in and returned by January 25, 2013.


Industry Campus – First Call for Young Doctors Researchers

Curriculum Vitae Form
